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Honda’s capable middleweight V twin

In various forms Honda’s liquid cooled 500cc V Twin has been around since 1983. As the VT500C ‘Shadow’, VT500FT flat track styled ‘Ascot’ and VT500E with ‘Euro’ styling for the European market.

www.hondavt500.com is an on-line resource for Honda  VT 500 owners in all its forms, to share information brochures, period road tests and experiences.

If you are a facebook user you can find our page at www.facebook.com/hondavt500 or follow the link on this page. ‘Like’ us and say hello.We also now have a Twitter feed @HondaVT500 or you can +1 us on Google. Links all on this page

Your VT500 photos are always welcome, e-mail them to info@hondavt500.com.

It was a random picture on Google images that awakened my interest in the VT500. Visit the VT Gallery page and see where other peoples imagination has led them

Appreciate something different? Surely the most unconventional VT500 ever constructed ....The Phasar. Visit our page dedicated to the unique Feet First VT500 nicknamed ‘The White Shark’

Sharing the cycle parts and with a short stroke engine Honda also produced the NV400SP in certain markets. Looking identical to the VT500 the NV400SP was not sold in the UK but some have found their way in through the grey market. The NV400 now has its own page NV400SP

If your tastes in motoring are broad, you may appreciate our motoring prints and posters in our Etsy Shop

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See what others have been inspired to create with their  VT500.

Cafe and Custom

The White Shark

…….and 20th Century radical. Read the story of The ‘White Shark’. Click on the image above.

1986 Honda VT500E

1986 Honda VT 500 E

How radical can you make a VT500? Click on the picture to find out about the Strange Coast Moto VT500 Turbo

A comprehensive scan of the parts fiche for the VT500E is now available from CMSNL and can be accessed here VT500E PARTS list

VTs in uniform

The VT500 in service

VT Gallery

See the development of this Cafe Racer from Two Bolt Motorcycles